Site and 'The Final Book' Updates
The last few weeks have been busy and I think I’m finally crashing- losing motivation! Did a bit of traveling- nothing terribly “exciting” but a couple road trips is good to clear the mind. Listened to a few audio books on ancient philosophy- always so enlightening but I struggle putting any of it to practical use.
The major update is that things are once again moving forward with The Final Book. After a long dry spell of only rewriting, I finally pushed forward and completed six new chapters. I’m finally to the climatic arch and there is a well mapped route to the finish line. However, now I’m just lacking the motivation to work! I looked at a blank screen for 45 minutes this afternoon before wasting time on Twitter and Facebook, haha.
I’m sure it will pass and when I do catch my stride the book isn’t that far out. I’ve reached out to a few beta readers and solicited their help. Really looking for beta readers that have a strong interest in religious / historic fiction (target demo)- let me know if that’s you or you know someone. I’d be happy to share an advanced copy and take suggestions before it goes to the editor.
Anyway- the site has gone through a few updates as well. New domain name, new social media integration, and new evergrowing Friends section. Go take a look!