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It’s come to my attention and has been recommended that I create an “author” Facebook page. Reluctantly, I’ve accepted. Truth be told, I’ve had a “personal” Facebook page since it was exclusively available to college students in the early 2000’s, and I’m over it. It’s so exhausting… It may be the single worst thing to happen to American culture, not to mention I know way too many people on there in “real life” so good luck getting an ounce of honesty out of me.

So, with that glowing endorsement, aren’t you so excited to LIKE my page???

SW Hammond Facebook Page

It won’t be so bad. I’ve already gone through and scheduled 2 months worth of posts. They’re all memes, so at least that will be entertaining. The page is also linked to my Twitter account, so those of you who don’t tweet can get in on the action. I’ve also promised to play nicely and post bits of exclusive and “interesting” material several times a week.

Any tool I can use to get closer to readers, I’ll do it. I do appreciate the one-on-one interaction and hope the page will allow me to connect with those who otherwise may have had no interest. You are who this is all about and that truly matters, and I’ll kick back up my MySpace page if it helps talking with you!

Lastly, if you’d be so kind, I invite you to “get in” on the ground floor and help me share the page to your friends. Your efforts will be significant and greatly appreciated seeing as I have 0 Likes (seriously, this page is brand new and I haven’t even personally liked it yet!).

Damn you, Zuckerberg.