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Happy to announce that Susan Helene Gottfried is giving a proofread edit of Mojo And The American Female!

While the book went through editing and was released in digital form a while ago, I felt it was necessary to have an additional set of professional eyes to look things over before heading to print or devoting any marketing toward the project. The content, heart, and soul of the book will remain the same—Susan will help with the technical aspects and hopefully make me look like less of an idiot when it comes to foolish mistakes…

Mojo is a unique book—I’m not even sure what to think of it at this point. It’s something special to me, and I think provides a certain level of entertainment to those warped by pop culture such as myself. I never really see it being anything more than that—it’s just bleeding into a keyboard. My thoughts, feelings, and trying to understand life. Each chapter (or article) was never written with the thought or intent that it would one day be apart of a book, or even read by anyone other than myself. I think that makes it pretty pure and genuine. There’s an innocence in these pages that I’ll never get back. Somehow it all came together—the imagery and photos look great—and I’ve been blow away by the response.

With that said, I feel very fortunate that Susan accepted the project and is helping make it the best version it can be. She has a soft spot for rock n’ roll and I feel has the appropriate compassionate sensibilities mixed with piercings and 3-chord power to spiral downward through my angsty past. I have no doubt that she will make it out the other side and give this book the love that it needs.

You can visit Susan at her website West Of Mars to learn more of how she’s helping authors. You can also find her on Twitter @WestOfMars.