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The Final Book: Gods spine teaser

The Final Book: Gods trailer teaser

Lots of big news on the horizon, but here’s what’s been going on:

The Final Book: Gods is complete! I have a hardcover proof in hand. I’m basically just making sure that the dust jacket prints well and that there are no disastrous formatting issues within the text. I have to say, things look good—I’m happy with it! That’s a big admission seeing as I was quite skeptical before holding the physical copy. I think the cover conveys the proper tone, adds a bit of intrigue, but more importantly lets the reader know what they’re getting themselves in for. I suppose you, the public, will be the judge to say if I've accomplished those things—the big cover reveal being just around the corner!

The Final Book: Gods will be available in hardcover, paperback, Apple iBooks, and Amazon Kindle versions.

Next, I’ve been working on the press kit and video promotional trailer. My goal is to have all of these elements complete prior to really beginning any sense of advertising or promotion. I’m basically a one man band here, so it’s a lot of work and I don’t want to promote a release date and then miss it—that would be extremely embarrassing. So, I’m working a bit backwards compared to how normal a normal release would be handled—racing toward a hard deadline—as I’m making sure each version of the book is complete and all of promotional elements have been created prior to announcing the release date. After 6 years of writing, there's no sense in putting out a rushed product just to meet an arbitrary self-imposed deadline.

With that said, my spidy sense is telling me that the book will officially release in June. Advanced copies for review will begin shipping the day of the cover reveal—hopefully within the month.

If you would like an advanced copy for review, please email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Beyond that, the calendar is beginning to fill up with Comic Con appearances. I am registering booths, mostly in the Artist Alley areas, at con’s throughout the western states. Dates right now range from June through December at most of the major events, along with smaller con’s sprinkled throughout CA. Once each date is finalized / confirmed, I will post an event schedule here on the site.

Finally, on a personal note (and now that I’m writing all of this out, I feel like I’ve bit off more than I chew!), I’ve started taking classes in philosophy from UNLV. It’s quite the culture shock being back at school, but so far I’m enjoying it. It’s taking up quite a bit of time… but I like it. Hopefully this experience will only strengthen future novels and add a sense of institutional legitimacy to new endeavors.

So, coming very soon, the cover reveal and trailer release—get pumped!

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