Upcoming Novel
Sean announces that he is working on a novel. The book is a far departure from his Chuck Klosterman style pop culture articles and the novel takes on a winding tale of mythology, theology, and science fiction that combines important historical events leaving the reader questioning truth from fantasy. Resurrecting the Greek Gods into the modern age and reinventing the world as we know it, the book promises to be a fresh, thought provoking thriller.
Sean talking about the upcoming book in his own words:
"I'm really excited about this project, the story is so clear in my mind. The challenge now is finding the motivation and time to get it out of there! I'm currently 12 chapters in, most of the characters have been introduced and the background laid out, now it's time to rip the world upside down!
Kind of like with the rest of my art, this story is adaptation of things you already know and I warp my own story into it. I take things that are familiar to humanity- classic Greek tales and characters, Christianity, major historic events, and I combine them all into this modern sci-fi story. Just because I'm incorporating hugely significant cultural figures, some may find it controversial or offensive... I just hope the story itself transcends and can be received with an open mind.
It will probably be a while before you can get your hands on a copy. Not only do I have to finish the book, which is looking like it will turn into a trilogy, but I'm also shopping publishers. The story has the possibility of being adapted to screenplay, so that's also something to consider. You can rest assured though, if I meet much resistance along the way I'll just put the book up online for the world to read for free. Getting it in people's hands is the most important thing.
I'll keep you guys posted with artwork, titles, and updates as things develop. As always, thanks so much for the support!"