Reserve your copy now!
As we move toward the release of Stevie Pearl, more milestones come and go. Officially getting the novel on Amazon is always a big deal. No matter your thoughts on the retail giant, they are largest bookseller in the world. Their algorithm basically determines the commercial success of a book.
It’s nerve-wracking, especially as an independent author. While it’s not my first time releasing things on Amazon, this aspect of the project isn’t my sole focus or expertise. While I do the best I can, it’s always a bit of a roll of the dice.
That’s where you could help. The more you buy, rate, and review Stevie Pearl, the better it performs in the algorithm. Aside from a bit of marketing, there’s not much more I can do on my end — I’ve build it, and now I hope that they will come.
With that said, pop over to Amazon and interact with Stevie Pearl. Pre-order it. Review it if you’ve already read it. I’d appreciate any attention you can give — and I know Alex and Stevie would too.
Speaking of reviews, have you seen the buzz on Goodreads?? Many people are beginning to experience the story for the first time and are leaving their thoughts. Wow! Stevie Pearl is beginning to seep into the zeitgeist and I couldn’t be more excited and proud!