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07 June 2017

The Final Book: Interview With Laurie Jenkins

The Final Book: Gods - Leather Chair

From favorite characters to dreamy love letters!

Laurie was kind enough to help with some promotion for the upcoming release of The Final Book: Gods and did a short interview that was originally featured on her website. Laurie is avid GoodReads reviewer and runs an active book blog. Be sure to visit her site to enter to win an Amazon giftcard and signed copies of my book! The contest runs through June 18.

Tell us about a favorite character from your book.

Gods is unique in that several characters share the workload—there’s not a single “most important” protagonist. Very quickly you’ll realize who the plot is centralized around, but it’s a team effort. With that said, I’m quite fond of Ana. She’s not in the book a ton, but she’s immensely important. I guess she’s what I would like to aspire to be—she’s burdened by unimaginable cosmic knowledge, but chooses to be happy in spite of it. She knows of all the tragedy that is about befall man, yet remains compassionate and excited about life. She just seems like someone I’d love to hangout with—she also doesn’t take any of William’s crap, and that’s admirable.

What are these things called “Artifacts” scattered throughout the book?

The artifacts are meant to add historical context to the story. Most of the artifacts are factual snippets of history that plays well and supports the fictional tale. These artifacts are presented to the reader by an ominous narrator that begins the story in the prologue. This narrator curated these particular bits of history and used them to tie together the over-arching story.

28 April 2017

Goodreads Giveaway: Win The Final Book: Gods!

The Final Book Gods Goodreads Giveaway

Enter to win 1 of 5 signed hardcover advanced copies of The Final Book: Gods!

Want to get your hands on a copy of my new book? Want to be way cooler than everyone else and read it before it even comes out?? Head on over to Goodreads and enter the giveaway!

From now until May 18th, I’m hosting a giveaway of 5 beautiful, stunning, awesome hold-in-your-hand hardcovers from the initial first-ever-printed-batch of press copies of The Final Book. Call me old fashioned, but there’s just something about holding and reading a hardcover… On top of that, I’ll be personalizing and signing each copy for the winners.

You can enter the giveaway through Goodreads, and while you’re there be sure add the book to your reading list and follow my author page. It’s another fun way to interact and share your thoughts and love for other books and authors.

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Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Final Book by SW Hammond

The Final Book

by SW Hammond

Giveaway ends May 18, 2017.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway


A modern fish-out-of-water entagled with Romeo and Juliet.